Basic Policy on Sustainability
In recent years, companies have been drawing attention as to how they would contribute to the resolution of worsening social issues and the achievement of SDGs, which is deemed to become more and more important in the years to come.
The Company has declared, in its corporate brand promise, that it would contribute to the achievement of a prosperous society capable of sustained growth as a development-oriented company. By working on the resolution of social issues through the promotion of our businesses, we have been engaging in activities aimed at creating values shared between the Company and society and attaining sustained growth together with society.
We will continue to specify sustainability—including the perspectives of ESG and SDGs—as a crucial management theme and focus our efforts on related initiatives. We will also look into "what sustainability means to ANEST IWATA," formulate our longterm vision and identify material issues, as well as examining and implementing various measures.

ESG-oriented Management
For many years, the Company has been making efforts to resolve social issues through the development and widespread adoption of oil-free technologies, air compressors that contribute to energy-saving, coating equipment compatible with water-based paints and other environmentally-friendly products. We have also been striving to improve the life-work balance of employees who are in charge of these business activities, while also controlling the risks surrounding the Company, preventing its corporate value from being impaired, and enhancing its management foundation to seize opportunities for further growth.
We believe corporate value in the true sense of the word consists of both economic value (e.g., business performance) and social value (e.g., ESG). We will aim for sustained growth together with society by endeavoring to enhance these values in a well-balanced manner, rather than placing importance exclusively on either value.

Contribution to SDGs
In the Company, there is a mandate to clearly state, out of the 17 SDGs, which one we can help achieve when putting forth an agenda at the Development Meeting. In addition, we are promoting our businesses by exploring how we can make a contribution as an industrial machinery manufacturer—for example,in April 2021, we put a system in place to make managers aware of SDGs in process management.
For the fulfillment of goals, it is important for each and every employee to have an awareness with respect to the resolution of issues, not just thinking about how product development, production and other basic operations as a manufacturer should be carried out. We believe that operations tackled by each and every employee with such an awareness of resolving issues will help contribute toward SDGs, no matter how minor they may be. Accordingly, we will continue promoting educational activities and mindset reform targeting employees going forward, including distributing email newsletters to employees in Japan to facilitate their understanding of SDGs.

What are Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established at the United Nations summit held in 2015, with the participation of over 150 heads of member states. SDGs are international goals for resolving various current issues around the world to create a better world for everyone and consist of 17 goals and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. Countries around the world are engaged in various initiatives to achieve SDGs.