Engaging with Society
Our company aims to make a meaningful contribution to society by putting an emphasis on making safe and reliable products, providing attentive service to customers, and connecting technology to the future in our business activities. We believe we can contribute to better “manufacturing,” and ultimately help achieve a sustainable society.
We recognize that our Group constitutes a part of society at large, and we make an effort to serve society through our wide range of business activities in countries and regions around the world, as well as through activities that are rooted in regional communities.
Initiatives Through Business
Helping to Build a Prosperous Society, Harnessing the Power of Air
Based on our identity of “contributing to a prosperous society through the power of air” in our air energy business, we have been donating battery-powered air pumps to special nursing homes for the elderly through local welfare associations since 2018. In FY2018, we donated 69 air pumps, and in FY2020, 64 air pumps, to facilities in Yokohama City.
In addition, in support of the “Yokohama City Bicycle Use Promotion Plan” promoted by Yokohama City, we installed air pumps in six bicycle parking lots across four stations through the Yokohama City Road and Highway Bureau.
We will continue to do our best to forge new connections with the local community, aiming to become a company that grows together with local residents.

Revitalizing the Region with World-Class Products
We manufacture many of our spray guns, which are our main products, at our Akita Factory in Daisen City, Akita Prefecture, and are proud to offer “Made In Daisen” quality spray guns around the world. We support the revitalization of the region through the “Hanabi Town DAISEN x ANEST IWATA Special Limited Model,” making the model available as a thank-you gift for furusato nozei (hometown tax donation program implemented by the Japanese government). The spray gun is decorated with a fireworks pattern, which Daisen City is famous for.

Interacting with Local Communities
At our headquarters and our factories, we hold external events and regular factory tours to interact and build relationships with a wide range of our stakeholders, starting with the neighboring residents and families of employees. Through these events, we encourage an understanding of not only our products, but also our corporate culture and business activities. Through these events, we strive to coexist in harmony with the regional community, by deepening community understanding of not only our products, but also our corporate culture and business activities.

Encouraging Blood Donations
We hold blood drives at each domestic office, as part of our activities to promote health and contribute to society. In recognition of our efforts in this area for over 40 years, the Japanese Red Cross Society presented our Yokohama headquarters with a letter of appreciation in FY2019, and another to our Fukushima Factory in FY2020.
We will continue to promote the donation of blood to help patients in need of blood transfusions.