Stock Information

This page provides basic information regarding ANEST IWATA Corporation stock.

Stock Price and Trends

Stock and Shareholder Status

Stock Status

As of September 30, 2024

Stock Ticker Number 6381
Total Number of Shares Issued by the Company 189,290,000 shares
Total Number of Issued Shares*1*2 39,729,886 shares
Number of Shareholders 11,235
Lot Size 100 shares (changed to 100 shares from April 1, 2014)
  • * 1. In addition to the above-mentioned shares, the company owns 2,015,619 shares of treasury shares.
  • * 2. The treasury shares do not include 145,400 shares of the company held by the Board Benefit Trust.

Shareholder Composition

As of September 30, 2024

Number of Shareholders (number of people) Shareholder Ratio (%) Number of Shares Owned (unit) Ownership Ratio (%)
Financial Institutions 14 0.26 124,657 29.92
Securities Companies 25 0.46 6,479 1.56
Other Japanese Corporations 109 2.00 27,853 6.69
Foreign Corporations, etc. 147 2.69 103,510 24.85
Individuals, etc. 5,159 94.57 133,914 32.15
Treasury Shares 1 0.02 20,156 4.84
Total 5,455 100.00 416,569 100.00

Distribution by Number of Shares Owned

Distribution by Number of Shares Owned

Large Shareholders

As of September 30, 2024

Name of Shareholder Status of Investment in Our Company
Number of Shares Owned (thousand shares) Percentage of Shares Owned (%) *1
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust) 5,008 12.6
The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 2,272 5.7
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust) 2,178 5.5
ANEST IWATA Customer Shareholding Association 1,951 4.9
ANEST IWATA Supplier Shareholding Association 1,860 4.7
THE BANK OF NEW YORK 133652 1,593 4.0
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 1,520 3.8
ANEST IWATA Customer Employee Shareholding Association 877 2.2
KIA FUND 136 801 2.0
  • * 1. Shareholding ratio is calculated excluding treasury stock (2,015,619 shares).

Related Information

Fiscal Year Ends on March 31
Annual Shareholders’ Meeting June
Record Date Profit dividend (end of March every year)
Interim dividend (end of September every year)
Shareholder List Administrator/Institution Responsible for Managing Special Accounts 1-1 Nikko-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Stock Transfer Agency Department
Handling Office of the Above Institution 183-0044
1-1 Nikko-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Stock Transfer Agency Department
Postal Address 137-8081
Shin-Tokyo Post Office P.O. Box No. 29
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Stock Transfer Agency Department
Inquiries Call Center
0120-232-711 (toll-free)
Notification Method Electronic public notice (posted on our website). However, if the public notice cannot be made due to an accident or other reasons, it will be published in the Nikkei.
Shareholder Perks None in particular

Shareholder Returns

Dividend Policy

  1. Achieving a steady return of profit to our shareholders is an important mission for our company.
  2. Specifically, we aim to achieve a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 40% as well as a range of "net income attributable to the parent company" in our consolidated financial results.
  3. We will continue to actively cancel treasury shares and strive to increase total assets per share.

Changes in Dividends and Number of Issued Shares

Changes in Dividends and Number of Issued Shares

Stock Procedures

Information on Stock Procedures