Our Commitment to the Environment
ANEST IWATA strives to exist in harmony with the Earth, while effectively utilizing the Environmental Management System to promote the protection of the environment through product development and other business activities. In addition, we have articulated our environmental policy in our Environmental Manual based on the ANEST IWATA Corporate Philosophy, and conduct our activities in accordance with it.
Environmental Policy
We will always be aware of our impact on the Earth, and continuously promote the prevention of environmental contamination.
- Prevent environmental contamination
- Reduce greenhouse gases and conserve energy
- Form a recycle-based society
Environmental Slogan

Environmental Management System
The Group considers the protection of the environment as one of its priority management issues. Accordingly, the Company and its domestic consolidated subsidiaries, based on the above environmental policy, set objectives and targets and operate an Environmental Management System (EMS).
In order to put these into practice, we are making efforts to carry out EMS activities and make ongoing improvements in accordance with internal regulations established based on ISO14001:2015. At the same time, we are conducting environmental education on such topics as environmental management based on an annual plan for our employees as well.

Key Issues
We strive to make improvements in line with major environmental policies, and to become more environmentally friendly in our products and services.
Preventing Environmental Contamination
Chemical substances that are mainly used by the Company and its domestic consolidated subsidiaries are contained in solvent paints and diluents used in the development of various coating equipment and the manufacturing of products, among others. We manage these substances in accordance with the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) system and are making efforts to reduce their usage. We are also striving to prevent environmental contamination by reducing all forms of environmen tal impact arising in production activities, including conducting water quality measurements at frequencies mandated by laws and regulations as well as voluntary odor measurements, and promoting activities to improve them.

Reducing Greenhouse Gases and Conserving Energy
The Company and its domestic consolidated subsidiaries strive to reduce all energy consumption and have been reducing the emission of greenhouse gases (CO 2 ) and contributing to the prevention of global warming. Based on the internal rules set forth pursuant to the government’s Act Concerning the Rational Use of Energy and the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures, we are making efforts to reduce the consumption of energy such as electricity.

Forming a Recycle-Based Society
In the development and production of products, also, the Company and its domestic consolidated subsidiaries are striving to make products and systems that are easily disposed of and recycled by the customers, based on the concept of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle).
Responses to Climate Change
In promoting “environmentally-friendly business operations,” we engage in business activities upon first considering what impact climate change has on the Company.
GHG emissions by Scope
In FY2023, we expanded the Scope 1, 2 calculations to include overseas subsidiaries and conducted Scope 3 calculations in Japan.
Classification | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 |
Scope1 | 2,785 | 2,741 | 3,780 |
Scope2 (Market-based) |
9,133 | 8,529 | 8,130 |
Scope2 (Location-based) |
9,098 | 8,451 | 8,346 |
【Scope 3】
unit:t-CO 2 e
Category | FY2022 | FY2023 |
1 Purchased products and services | 32,381 | 34,431 |
2 Capital goods | 5,196 | 7,419 |
3 Fuel and energy activities not included in Scope 1, 2 | 894 | 910 |
4 Transport, distribution (upstream) | 4,470 | 3,981 |
5 Waste generated by the business | 64 | 101 |
6 Business trips | 81 | 84 |
7 Commuting employees | 168 | 173 |
9 Transport, distribution (downstream) | 92 | 96 |
11 Use of products sold | 1,283,738 | 1,386,376 |
12 Disposal of products sold | 458 | 571 |
13 Leased assets (downstream) | 225 | 97 |
Total | 1,327,767 | 2,821,281 |
- ※ Categories that do not apply to the Company’s business activities have been omitted.
【Scope of tabulations】
Scope1,2:The Company and its consolidated subsidiaries
Scope3:The Company and its consolidated subsidiaries (Japan only)